Elastic Beanstalk is stucked on grey health status after platform environment upgrade


I just tried to upgrade the platform from .NET Core running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2/2.5.6 to .NET Core running on 64bit Amazon Linux 2/2.5.7 (latest and recommended), and now the environment is stucked on grey status.

The actions menu is all disabled.

Enter image description here

The last event is "Created EIP: ..."

질문됨 8달 전370회 조회
3개 답변

Hello. Look for error logs or messages in your AWS Console. Go to the AWS CloudWatch Logs and check for any logs related to your environment or the upgrade process. This may provide more information about what went wrong during the upgrade. But maybe the problem is related to limits EIP per account because it equals 5, so you must increase the quota for eip and try to update again.

Best regards, Andrii

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답변함 8달 전
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검토됨 18일 전
  • After one hour, it shows Stack named 'awseb-e-ge3ks6dacp-stack' aborted operation. Current state: 'CREATE_FAILED' Reason: The following resource(s) failed to create: [AWSEBAutoScalingGroup]. Creating Auto Scaling group named: awseb-e-ge3ks6dacp-stack-AWSEBAutoScalingGroup-1ANQMBJWHB72R failed. Reason: Group did not stabilize. {current/minSize/maxSize} group size = {0/1/1}. Failed Scaling Activity: Insufficient capacity. Launching EC2 instance failed


This article must help you why you have insufficient capacity and how to solve this error https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/ec2-insufficient-capacity-errors.

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답변함 8달 전
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검토됨 19일 전

Please change the current to 1 or min to 0.

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답변함 8달 전

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