Does AWS Personalize charge for sessionId?


My interactions dataset has been prepared with userId. I intend to use PutEvents to record real-time events for sessionId and obtain recommendations through sessionId. I'm curious whether AWS charges for the next full training cycle for the sessionId. I couldn't find documentation about this.

질문됨 7달 전269회 조회
1개 답변

You will be charged for ingesting the anonymous event data (see the pricing page). However, unless those anonymous events can be matched up with a known user (i.e., other interactions with the same sessionId but with a userId specified), they will be excluded from training. Therefore, generally speaking, those unmatched anonymous events should not increase training time and by extension cost.

답변함 7달 전
  • Currently, I am only using the domain use case recipe, and there is no training cost. So, the unmatched sessionId will not count towards the unique userId and will not be charged for. Am I understanding this correctly?"

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