Customize Groundtruth labelling job email notification


Hi, I have as SNS topic assigned to my private workforce in sagemaker groundtruth. Whenever a new groundtruth labelling job is created, the workers in the private workforce are notified by an email about the labelling job they want to work on. Now, i want to customize the email sent to the workers. How can i modify the contents of the email which is sent to annotators?

1개 답변
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There is no direct method to customise the emails from console. However, as a workaround you can try any of the below mentioned methods as per your use case

-----> Method 1 :

You can use the Lambda function to customise the email and then forward using another SNS Topic. The flow would be as mentioned below:

SNS topicA → Lambda function(with custom logic to customise the email) → SNS topicB → email endpoint

Please refer below blog for more information on the same: [+]

Note: This blog is from cloudwatch notifications, however similar approach would be applicable for all use cases where emails are being sent from SNS topic.

Also, below are the steps which you can follow to achieve the same at your end:

→ Create SNS topic → Create a Lambda function. → Subscribe the Lambda function to SNS topic created → Create another SNS topic from which the final emails will be sent. → Configure the Lambda function(customise the logic based on the need) to publish[1] a custom email subject or a custom message to the Amazon SNS topic. → Subscribe the emails to the SNS topic to receive the message.

-----> Method 2 :

In this method, you can use the Lambda function to customise the email received on the SNS Topic and then forward using SES service. The flow would be as mentioned below:

SNS topic → Lambda (with custom logic to customise the email) → SES API to send emails

Please find the below documentation for more information on sending SES email messages using lambda function:


I would like to take a moment to inform you that the above solution would require expertise from your end to write/debug/modify/test the custom lambda code / script for your use-case as code support is out of AWS support scope and any assistance on it is on best effort basis only.

References: [1]

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