When will RHEL 9 be supported for EKS Anywhere on bare metal?


Is there any roadmap or estimated date for when RHEL 9.x will be supported on EKS Anywhere Bare Metal deployments?

Currently, EKS Anywhere v0.19.0 supports RHEL 8.x and RHEL 9.x , however RHEL 8.x is supported on Bare Metal deployments, while RHEL 9.x is not.

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Is there a plan for RHEL 9.x support on Bare Metal in upcoming EKS Anywhere versions?

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

RHEL 9.x support on EKS Anywhere Bare Metal deployments is currently (April 2024) in development and not yet available. Based on the documentation:

  • EKS Anywhere v0.19.0 currently supports RHEL 8.x on Bare Metal deployments, but RHEL 9.x is only supported on virtual machine deployments.
  • The EKS Anywhere team is working to expand support for newer Linux distributions like RHEL 9.x to more deployment types including Bare Metal.
  • However, an exact release date for adding RHEL 9.x Bare Metal support is not provided. Customers should monitor the EKS Anywhere documentation or release notes for future announcements on expanded OS support.
  • In the meantime, users can deploy RHEL 9.x clusters on EKS Anywhere using virtual machines if Bare Metal is not a requirement.
  • AWS Support subscriptions for EKS Anywhere can help customers get assistance on deployments and operations, but specific OS versions may not be covered depending on their support status with the respective vendors.
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answered 10 months ago

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