Contact list in AWS SES console


I cannot find a way to access my contact list in the AWS SES Console. Does it not appear there by design?

asked 6 months ago326 views
3 Answers


You can not interact with users from your cloud console. You will need to use the API.

answered 6 months ago

You're correct - AWS SES does not provide a way to view or manage your contact lists directly within the SES console.

The SES contact lists are designed to be programmatically managed via the SES APIs. Some key points:

  • You cannot view, search, or modify contacts through the SES dashboard. All contact list management must be done via API calls.

  • The contacts themselves are stored in SES - the API calls allow creating, listing, updating, and deleting contacts.

  • You provide and manage contact email addresses and attributes like first name, last name etc via the API.

  • You can integrate the APIs with your own applications, Lambda functions, etc to build customized contact management workflows.

So in summary - the SES contact list capabilities are intentionally API-based by design. The contacts are stored and managed by SES behind the scenes, but the console does not expose any way to directly access or view them. You have to use the APIs for any contact list operations.

answered 6 months ago

It's true that Amazon SES Contact List can not be managed through AWS Console, but what is more important, it is not that easy to use Amazon SES Contact List to launch email campaigns to your contacts.

Amazon SES Contact List is treated more like a list of users who want to unsubscribe from your mailing and SES can check the list and block the email if you try to send it to somebody who is marked as unsubscribed on your list.

To use the SES Contact List for sending email campaigns you will need to list all your contacts manually and send each email separately.

If you'd like to manage your contacts, launch email campaigns, and still use Amazon SES for sending emails to cut costs, you can check out the service called

answered 15 days ago

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