Amazon Q Chat context


When using Amazon Q chat in the IDE, does it use the entire service package as context?

asked 24 days ago384 views
2 Answers

No, Amazon Q Developer does not use your entire AWS service package or environment as context when chatting in the IDE.

What contextual information does Amazon Q Developer use in the IDE? Amazon Q Developer uses the following contextual information while answering questions: 1. Current conversational context, like questions asked and answers and code generated in the conversation panel. 2. The IDE context, including the selected code line, snippet, or functions in the file and the repository that the developers are currently working on.

profile pictureAWS
answered 24 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 24 days ago

When you ask Amazon Q a question, it uses the current file that is open in your IDE as context, including the programming language and the file path. This means that Amazon Q will look at the functions, classes, or modules you are working on, and sometimes the imports or dependencies in the immediate scope.

For additional information on this topic you can refer to the documentation Working with Amazon Q in your IDE.

answered 24 days ago

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