AWS RDS and Admin Access


Hi If I have 3 users in a cloud account: USER1 = FULL ADMIN USER2= RDS ADMIN USER3 = POWERUSER

Which policies or role you will grant to each account? Would it be "AdministratorAccess" for user 1, "AmazonRDSFullAccess" for user 2, "PowerUserAccess" for user 3?

I assume AmazonRDSFullACCESS covers all functions needed to do anything related to RDS?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

AmazonRDSFullAccess Policy: Provides full access to Amazon RDS via the AWS Management Console. So yes it gives full access to RDS. PowerUserAccess: Provides full access to AWS services and resources, but does not allow management of Users and groups. AdministratorAccess: Provides full access to AWS services and resources.

Please accept my answer if this works for you.

answered 10 months ago
  • Does PowerUserAccess allow you to create S3, EC2, Security Group, etc.? I am trying to see what permissions allowed under each role.

  • Does PowerUserAccess allow you to create S3, EC2, Security Group, etc.? I am trying to see what permissions allowed under each role.


Yes PowerUserAccess as I mentioned - Provides "full access to AWS services and resources", but does not allow management of Users and groups. A Power User Access provides Administrator Access without the capability to manage the users and permissions. In other words, a user with Power User Access can create, delete, modify or see the resources, but he cannot grant permissions to other users.

Here is the documentation that details the JSON policy document:

Alternatively, from AWS management console, if you go to IAM -> Policies -> Find "PowerUserAccess", click on it and you will see all the services and access level under permissions tab. Screen shot attached below:

IAM policies

answered 10 months ago

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