T4g.small Free Trial availability region(s)


From the latest FAQ for EC2

a t4g.small instance will automatically get 750 free hours per month deducted from their bill during each month. The 750 hours are calculated in aggregate across all Regions in which the t4g.small instances are used.

The T4g free trial is currently available across these AWS Regions: US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), South America (Sao Paulo), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), Europe (Frankfurt), Europe (Ireland), Europe (London), and Europe (Stockholm). It is currently not available in the China (Beijing) and China (Ningxia) Regions.

Next, i checked whether i can create a T4g.small instance in Asia Pacific (Jakarta) region, and i can confirm that the option is available. Now, since it isn't mentioned as available or unavailable, does this means i won't have access to the Free Trial credit bucket and will be billed normally when i created the instance in Asia Pacific (Jakarta) or any T4g-capable regions but not explicitly mentioned in the FAQs ?

asked a year ago1135 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

I don't think there is a free t4g tier in the Jakarta Region if it is not mentioned in the FAQ below.
I believe the free tier is only available in the regions listed.

If a free tier is available, select the instance type on the EC2 startup screen and you will see "Free Trial available".

I checked in the Jakarta region, but it is not listed as "Free Trial available", so I think there is a fee for using the service.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Thank you, this confirms that there is no problem with the console's UI from my side. I'd really hope in the future AWS explicitly states such things "it is only available in xxxx regions, outside those regions it is not ".


Yes that is true for free trial not applying to regions not mentioned and upon launch you can see if free tier applies to the t4g.small instance that you are launching. For example, if you launch a t4g.small instance in Singapore region, you will notice that "free tier" applies to that instance but in Jakarta, it doesn't show.

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Ray T
answered a year ago

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i unable to launch t4g.small.it showing like dimmed.Please help to solve issue

answered 2 months ago

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