SES Custom MAIL FROM config


We have configured SES for a domain, and wish to use the custom mail from feature. The DNS records have been added correctly as provided by AWS, however the "pending verification" remains for many days, and then fails. This has been peer checked by a few of us!

Sorry, I cannot post the actual domain names here (as one is a customer and I'd need to seek permission which would be sticky), however are there any logs that I can check to see why it has failed verification for the MAIL FROM checking? Or additionally what are the reasons that it would fail?

Is it as simple as the MX record for and associated TXT record for

I have just now deleted the config in SES, and re-entered it (within classic portal) - just as a troubleshooting step. Are there any other troubleshooting tips that can be provided for ensuring successful verification?

Thanks in Advance,


asked 2 years ago493 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Resolved. There was a space at the end of the MX Record value. All the various DNS checking sites didnt spot it. However - did not notice the space and it looked OK. did not find the MX record was the most useful, and outlined "\032" at the end of the value, which is the ASCII value for a space.

To double check, i used Powershell which clearly showed a space within the square brackets:

$answer = (resolve-dnsname -Name -type mx).NameExchange
Write-output "MX Record value is [$answer]"
MX Record value is []
answered 2 years ago

Usually custom MAIL FROM domain is set to a subdomain so just want to confirm you are using a subdomain. Because you will have 2 set following 2 records:

DomainRecord TypeRecord Value
subdomain.domain.comTXT"v=spf1 ~all"

Can you please confirm if you have set these 2 records as well for the custom mail from domain that you are setting?

answered 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for quick reply. Yes, I can confirm that those records 100% exist in the DNS for the domain.

answered 2 years ago

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