Amazon Connect - Flow for Voicemail


Hi Community,

I am trying to implement a common scenario in Amazon connect where if a customer is waiting in the queue for an agent to answer for more than 15 minutes, they should be given the option to leave a voicemail. The problem is once my flow is in the 'Basic Customer queue' flow (contact flow = customer queue type), I cannot add a 'Transfer to Flow' block and transfer it to my custom voicemail flow. Is there any other way to achieve this?

  • I am interested to learn how you enabled the Voicemail. Can you please share the solution?

已提問 2 年前檢視次數 625 次
2 個答案

You don't have to transfer the call out, leave it in that flow and just do you VM logic in there. Be aware that if the agent becomes available they will be pulled out of that logic and sent to an agent.

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已回答 2 年前
profile pictureAWS
已審閱 1 年前

I would instead offer them a callback... Voicemails tend to be mostly... "Heres my phone number, please call me back". Then you need to allocate an agent to be unavailable on phones, and off listening to recorded messages...

Transferring to a callback instead means the call gets offered to an agent as it reaches the front of the queue, and the customer will receive a call, and you don't have to allocate anyone to the task of listening to recorded messages.

已回答 1 年前

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