Unknown Billing


I got this statement in my billing.

Virtual Private Cloud

See the marked line in the attached image

Two questions.

  1. Does aws charge for VPC ?
  2. For the billing statement. $0.005 per In-use public IPv4 address per hour, how do you know where this is coming from. It's not explicit. Is for for ip address given for a free tier service? How did it happen? Please see attached image.

Please the related questions is very different from mine. I ran ec2 on free tier and the bill is for about an hour. Than is way below 750. My scenario is very different

Enter image description here

asked 24 days ago118 views
2 Answers

The charge for "$0.005 per In-use public IPv4 address per hour" typically applies to public IP addresses associated with EC2 instances, Elastic Load Balancers, or other resources in your VPC.

Identifying the Source of Charges AWS Console:

Navigate to EC2 Dashboard : Check for running EC2 instances. Elastic IPs: Look under the "Elastic IPs" section to see if any Elastic IPs are allocated and associated with your resources. Detailed Billing:

Billing Dashboard :Go to the AWS Billing and Cost Management Dashboard.

Cost Explorer :Use Cost Explorer to view detailed breakdowns of charges. Monthly Reports: :Check the monthly usage report for specifics on public IP usage.

Free Tier Consideration

Free Tier :The free tier does not cover charges for public IPv4 addresses beyond the limited free usage.

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answered 24 days ago
  • Thanks a lot kranthi putti. I really appreciated this response. But just a follow up. I did not personally associate any elastic IP to any instance. Could this be the ip that was automatically created when I created the free tier ec2 instance? I never overshoot the free tier ect instance as I just ran it for less than 3 hours. I created the aws account less than a month ago. I will definitely accept any answer to this follow question and close this. Thank you.



please try this solution it will be helpful for you.

AWS does not charge for creating or using a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) itself, but there are costs associated with specific resources within the VPC, such as Elastic IP addresses, NAT gateways, and VPN connections.

The billing statement line $0.005 per In-use public IPv4 address per hour refers to the cost of Elastic IP addresses that are in use. To identify where this charge is coming from, check your AWS Management Console under the EC2 Dashboard, specifically in the Elastic IPs section, to see which Elastic IPs are allocated and in use.

You can also use the AWS Cost Explorer tool to get detailed billing information. This charge typically occurs if you have allocated an Elastic IP to an instance or if it remains allocated but unused.

To avoid these charges, ensure that you release any Elastic IPs that are not in use.

Regular monitoring of your resources and costs using the AWS billing dashboard and Cost Explorer will help prevent unexpected charges.

please look at AWS Document Link.



answered 24 days ago

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