Human Task Failed - Sagemaker ground truth labelling jobs


I have setup the pdf labelling task in Sagemaker groud truth following this link -

After sometime, the job is failed saying "Complete with labeling errors". I found the below log in cloudwatch logs

    "event-name": "HUMAN_TASK_FAILED",
    "event-log-message": "ERROR: Human task failed for line 694.",
    "labeling-job-name": "resume-labeling-job-20221201T182336"

Not sure what happened. Does anyone have any way to identify the root cause behind this failure ?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Since I didn't get answer here, I reached out to tech support to seek guidance. It looks like the job duration is elapsed.

"failure-reason": "ClientError: Annotation tasks expired.

Reasons are TaskAvailabilityLifetimeInSeconds parameter is too small.

You can validate this configuration by running the following AWS CLI command from your environment: aws sagemaker describe-labeling-job --labeling-job-name resume-labeling-job-20221212T094103

—References— [1]

answered 2 years ago

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