CloudWatch Billing Inquiry


I have a free tier account and I stated getting $0.20 USD charges every month. I have checked everything inside Cloudwatch and I am not using anything.

What could this be?


2 Answers

Hi, in order for us to help you, we would need to know what usage type those charges you are seeing are for.

You can see the detail of your usage types in the Billing and Cost Management service, by opening the Cost Explorer.

profile pictureAWS
answered 5 months ago
  1. Go to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the** "Billing & Cost Management**" dashboard. Review the "Cost Explorer" to see a breakdown of your charges.

2.Use AWS Trusted Advisor, a tool that provides recommendations to help you follow best practices and optimize your AWS resources. It may highlight any issues or areas where you might be incurring unexpected costs.

  1. Some resources may not be covered by the Free Tier. Make sure you are not using services or resources that are not eligible for the Free Tier.
profile picture
answered 5 months ago

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